
I am a full time working mom who had this insane idea to go to graduate school.  I will be working toward a masters in Education focusing on Educational Technology. I hope to blend Child Life and Educational Technology and be able to reach more children in the hospital setting. My husband and kids are amazing supports.....my 10 year old has already showed me how to save a google doc.....baby steps. 

The Family:
1 hubby and 2 girls - they keep me happy and busy

The Career:
Stanford Children's Hospital - I am celebrating 16 yrs of Recreation Therapy and Child Life service this year. I have worked all over the hospital, but have spent the most time in Oncology/ Stem Cell, Cardiac/ Heart Transplant and now the Emergency Department.

The School:
University of Missouri - M.Ed in Educational Technology focusing on Technology in Schools. I don't work in a classroom but because I do work directly with children, this was the best match for me. The program like many EdTech programs it is completely online. Expected graduation date Spring or Summer 2017.

Spring 2016:
  • Intro to Web Development (1st 8 weeks) - A
  • Intro to Digital Media (16 weeks) - A
  • Technology to Enhance Learning (2nd 8 weeks) - A

Fall 2016
  • Intro into Technology in Schools (1st 8 weeks) - A
  • Diffusion of Education Innovations (2nd 8 weeks) - A
  • Instructional Systems Design (16 weeks) - A
Spring 2017
  • Electronic Portfolio Development (8 weeks) - A
  • Learning with the Internet (8 weeks) - A
  • Intermediate Web Development (16 weeks) - A
Summer 2017

  •  Technology Action Research (8 weeks)


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