Promoting a lifestyle

I was reading about Hugh Hefner the other day (I know not so "child lifey" of me) and at one point in his career he decided remake himself as a "bon viveur" and "man about town" that he would live the life he promoted in his magazines.  Outside of the wild parties and extra boyfriend or 3, I feel like I am following in his a sense.  I am adding something new to my life. Technology. So now I'll be like Hef and promote my lifestyle. I'll blog, tweet and learn what I can in graduate school in order to step up the game at my children's hospital.

My first classes are Intro to Web Development and Digital Media. I have started the Web class and I had to call IT immediately and ask for help. Good start! Per the professor by the end of class I will be able to code my own website. (stop laughing).

I'll blog along the way as a way to help myself journal what I learn throughout school. Feel free to follow along and send cheers and encouragement. I have a feeling balancing family life, career life and school life isn't going to be an easy journey.  

My pal Hef also said once "Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" he also said "Picasso had his pink period and his blue period. I am in my blonde period right now" but that has absolutely nothing to do with anything here (wink, wink) 

2 years to go...........


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