
Showing posts from May, 2016

1 down 2ish to go

Yassssss! The first semeseter of graduate school is a wrap! I feel like this may be a little braggy but for those who kicked it with me undergrad know that the fact that I made my first 4.0 in my life is a big deal. I know!! I can't believe how much I love it. I actually learned something and can't wait to get back to it in August. Plans are in full swing to finish up next May. I'll take 3 classes (2 / 8 week classes and 1 /16 week class) in the fall. Then in the spring I'll take another 3 classes and an internship. I feel like Robert DeNiro in the "The Intern", oldest intern ever! Fingers crossed I can land something and that my fellow co-horts will understand and appreciate my 80s references! In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy my summer with the girls and Ry. Happy Summer y'all!