Another debate.....super

I've stayed fairly quiet about the election on social media. Silently absorbing and listening to ALL parties as I truly feel that having an open mind helps me make good decisions. I posted once about what I want in a president. Sadly it doesn't look like it's going to happen. With that being said, I just want to be clear about a few things as I can't believe that these are still reasons why someone would choose to vote one way or another.

TRUTH: You can get an abortion at your doctors office. It's time to stop picking on Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men and young people. Pro-life, Pro-choice it's a doctors office. Here read for yourself: Planned Parenthood Services

TRUTH: Why do you care who chooses to marry who? How does a couple loving each other and wanting to spend their lives together affect you??  If God really cares so much he'll deal with it when they get to the Promised-land. Not your problem. Just for the record, so far so good. According to early research same-sex marriage VALUES the sanctity of marriage a little better than traditional marriages. Here read it for yourself: Williams Institute - UCLA

So onto the election.
I remember my very first election that I could vote for when I was 18. It was the famous 1992 ticket. People were excited! Signs were up in lawns. Bumper stickers were proudly displayed on the back of cars. Ross Perot actually busted through as a 3rd party candidate. The world was looking forward to Tuesday, November 3rd.

Flash forward 24 years. Outside of 1 trump sign in the middle of Nevada I haven't seen a single sign hanging in lawns. No bumper stickers. A few friends on FB who have stated they are "with her", a single cousin who thinks that Trump is going to make America great again. One or two friends who like Gary and Jill.

That. Is. It. Excitement has left the building.

What has happened? I see all the meme's joking about how we want to "find ourselves" and how we wish Obama would go "month to month" until we figure this out. Some of them make me laugh but then I just feel sad, our system is damaged and corrupt and we aren't happy. I wish that Hillary was a better choice and was trustworthy. I wish that Trump would just be a business man and stop saying stupid things about women and about beliefs that honestly I don't think he means. He is a liar trying to get the vote of people who care only about a woman's reproductive rights and same-sex marriage. And her, well you know all about that.

So who am I voting for? Great question.

I still have a couple of weeks to make a decision between Clinton, Stein and Johnson (let's face it although I listen to all parties I have never voted Republican and don't intend to start this year). I wish that they all were in the debates tonight so that I could stack them up against each other, but the system won't let that happen. So I'll keep my mind open and fingers crossed that I will have a clear head to make a tough decision on November 8th.

........Until then time to make a cocktail and watch the debate.


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