Home Stretch

I've nearly survived the first semester of graduate school and I can't believe how much I love it. I have learned and absorbed so much. What surprises me though is how well I WANT to do. I have nothing less than 100%. If you knew me undergrad you'd likely be laughing right now. What a difference 20 years makes!

I completed my Web Development class a few weeks ago and boy was that a challenge. My final project turned out pretty good. I would still love to tweek some things but for the most part, I am proud of the finished product.
Check it out here: http://bengal.missouri.edu/~kmbk3f/ISLT7360/finalproject/beckler_project.html

I am wrapping up my digital media class. That class has been a blast. I'm finding I love making videos, working on photoshop and the final portfolio which was also a website. I am still working out the website/portfolio but this is what I have so far and you can see some of my project highlights in the class.
Check it out here: http://bengal.missouri.edu/~kmbk3f/ISLT7361/Unit5/beckler.html

The last class for the semester has been enlightening. It's called Technology to Enhance Learning. I am the only one in my class who is not a classroom teacher. The professor has been very supportive of my "alternate ideas" and the most common comment I get from classmates has been, "you have such a unique perspective". I have learned quite a few new platforms/ technologies I would love to tryout. Some of the favorites:

On to the last few weeks! 


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