The ole Work-Mom-Life-School Balance

Last week was almost a balance fail. Kids were out of school for ski week, although we didn't ski. We slept in and hung out and I did 2 projects for school and worked my job. Finding time to work on school was no small feat, but I did it. For Digital Media this week we were working on Digital Audio. This was so hard for me. I have an appreciation for music, but have never worked on anything with sound before. We had to use a sound mixing program called Audacity and after watching approximately 1000 tutorials I made a promo for world thinking day for the Girl Scouts. My daughter was my narrator (spending time with kid during break-check). I think it turned out OK. check check, 1, 2...... Then the biggie project was the pilot for my website. I must say I think it's coming along. It's still under construction, but I'm really proud that I have hand coded this all by myself and it...